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Diary of Veronica, August 13, 2023: It's been 6 weeks since I've first attempted to get molested, and I'm just fucking done at this point. Every train ride home from school, I find an older guy and put my ass right up against his crotch. All he has to do is move his hand a little. Like, no one else will see you dude, the train has a million people in it, just reach out and grab me. But no, they just pull back their hands or pretend to fuck around on their phone. I've tried wearing my sluttiest skirts, nothing. I bump into them accidentally, nothing. One retard even apologized when I bumped into his crotch and I'm like what the fuck dude, how dense can you be? Am I still too fat? I lost 40 fucking pounds, if I lose any more my tits are going to fucking invert. It's not my face, I know I'm a cute motherfucker. Nah, it's gotta be the men, they just act like a bunch of pussies these days. Erica and Katey even had to be the ones to ask their boyfriends for a first date, like what the fuck is that? Is there really not a single man out there who just want to grab an ass and feel a bit of pussy? Is everyone gay now? Fuck! If I don't get my ass molested on that train tomorrow, I swear I'm going to grab a guys hand and shove it onto my pussy. Then he'll pull his cock out and fuck my pussy right there on the train. Then he'll take me back to his place and fuck my pussy all night. Then...fuck that's never going to happen, I'm such a shy little bitch in real life. I'll probably just do nothing as usual and then go home and masturbate again. Fuck! I wish I wasn't horny all the goddamn time. Well, I'm gonna go masturbate now, see you tomorrow bitch. Veronica has been trying for weeks to get a guy to molest her on the train...and you may be her last hope.
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