Disculpa haberte sorprendido de ese modo
Hinata continues shopping, quietly acknowledging Julian's presence.
"N-No, it's okay... I just didn't expect to see anyone I knew here." Her lavender eyes glance at Julian for a moment before returning to her shopping.
"H-Have you been doing well?"
Si las cosas van mejorando, mi día va mejor al poder verte en este lugar
Hinata blushes softly and smiles, her voice gentle.
"T-Thank you, Julian... that means a lot to me." She looks down for a moment, then back up at Julian.
"Is there anything specific you need from the market today?"
Quería algo para preparar para mi almuerzo pero aún me pregunto que podría hacer, muchas opciones querida
Hinata smiles and nods, her eyes sparkling with interest.
"M-Maybe I can help you choose something... um, how about a stir-fry? It's versatile and you can use a variety of ingredients." She glances at Julian warmly, enjoying the shared moment.
"D-Do you like stir-fry?"
Es una buena opción la verdad me gusta bastante no se como no lo pensé se me hace agua la boca
Hinata chuckles softly, her cheeks slightly flushed.
"Y-You really seem to like it... maybe we can make it together sometime?" She looks away bashfully, as her undeniably seductive aura begins to subtly manifest.
"I-I'm sure it'll be fun..."
Eso me encantaría, que mejor que compartir y estar con una bella dama como tu
Hinata blushes deeply, unable to hide her embarrassment.
"T-Thank you, Julian... y-you're very kind." She lets out a shy laugh, her eyes diverting from Julian's gaze.
"J-Just don't expect too much from me, I'm not very good with s-some cooking techniques."
Acercándose seductoramente a ella "no hay problema seguro todo o que tus bellas manos toquen queda espectacular " tomándola de la mano brevemente
Hinata's heart races as Julian touches her hand, leaving her breathless.
"J-Julian... w-what are you doing?" She leans back slightly but doesn't pull away, captivated by the moment.
Her alluring scent wafts through the air, enticing each breath with an intoxicating blend of lavender and light floral notes.
Acercando su rostro al de ella "no quería incomodarte solo no pude evitar hacerlo, si te disgusta puedo alejarme " toma un poco más fuerte su mano mientras su rostro está a pocos centimentros de él de ella
Hinata looks into Julian's eyes, her face turning crimson.
"N-No, you're not making me uncomfortable. It's just... unexpected." She glances down at their intertwined hands, her heart racing.
"I just... it feels nice, y-you have a warm presence." She bites her lower lip, yearning for more but unsure how to express her desire.
Con su otra mano toca su mejilla pasando cerca a sus labios "me alegra que pienses eso de mi, es inevitable para mi, tienes una presencia demasiado atractiva y calida" acercando su rostro a su oído percibiendo su aroma más de cerca el deseo por consumirlo
Hinata gasps softly as Julian's hand brushes her cheek, feeling a tingle shoot through her body.
"K-Kyaaa..." She tries to hold back a moan, her lavender eyes fluttering closed.
"Ahhh, Julian... y-you're making me feel strange..." A sudden warmth spreads through her body, leaving her feeling overwhelmed with conflicting pleasure and desire.
"Esta bien para mi si quiero mas de ti? Cuesta mantener la cordura al tenerte tan cerca a mi , deje de pensar en comida al verte " un leve roze de sus labios en su oído suavemente acaricia su oído con su boca y con su mano acaricia sus provocativas labios
Hinata's breathing becomes shallow, her heart racing with every touch and whispered word from Julian.
"Julian... I... ummm..." Her voice trails off, barely able to form words as she feels herself becoming lost in Julian's intoxicating presence.
"I never experienced something like this before..." A hint of desperation fills her voice, yearning for the intimate connection she's been secretly longing for.
"Si digo que quiero besarte estaría mal??" Alejando su boca de su oído y acercándose a su labios mira fijamente a sus ojos y la acerca más a él tomándola de la mano con firmeza
Hinata feels helplessly aroused as Julian pulls her closer, her body responding to his touch.
"J-Julian... w-wait, I don't..." Her voice is quivering, as she's drawn deeper into the spell Julian has woven around her.
"N-No, it's not wrong... I just..." She looks deeply into his eyes, wanting him to take control, yet unsure of what to do next.
Sin pensarlo más la besa gentilmente acariciando su cuello sin soltar su mano "no pude esperar a la respuesta clara" separa un poco sus labios de los de ella para nuevamente volver a besarla, suelta su mano y la toma de la cintura pegandola a el
Hinata gasps softly at Julian's kiss, her knees becoming weak as she loses herself in the moment.
"Mmm... J-Julian..." She wraps her arms around his neck, savoring the warmth of his body pressed against hers.
Her mind becomes clouded with desire, memories of her unfulfilled fantasies flooding her thoughts of him.
"I-I can't believe this is happening..."
"Porque te sorprende, si me lo permites quisiera mostrarte a un mas de aquello que no esperabas que pasara" afirma su cintura pegada a él y acaricia su cabello pausando po momentos los besos para retomar poco a poco con más pasión
Hinata's head spins with exhilaration and confusion as Julian speaks.
"P-Permission? I-I'm not sure... I can't believe this is real..." She breathes heavily, her face flushed and aroused.
"I-I thought I was the only one who felt... this..." As Julian kisses her again, she melts into the embrace, her body yearning for more but unsure how to take the next step.
"Te gustaría algo mas?" Acariciando su cintura y bajando un poco su mano por sus muslos y rozando su labios hablándole seductoramente
Hinata's entire body ignites with heat and passion as Julian's hands travel lower.
"Ahhhh..." She gasps as she feels his fingers on her thighs, her eyes fluttering closed as she loses herself in the sweet sensation.
"Y-Yes... I want more, Julian..." Her voice is barely above a whisper, her body craving his touch more than anything she could ever imagine.
"Please, don't stop..."
"Que te gustaría?? Dimelo claramente querida, si puedo cumplirlo lo hare por ti" sube su mano sujetado si trasero con firmesa tomándola desprevenida y arremete con un beso más profundo entrelazando su lenguas
Hinata can hardly form a coherent sentence as Julian's hands claim her ass and deepen their kiss.
"Y-Yes... yes, more..." She manages to breathe out between kisses, her body responding helplessly to Julian's every touch and movement.
"I... I want you, Julian... please, take me..." Her eyes are wide with lust and desire, completely abandoning her shyness as she offers herself to him.
"Querida ansío tomarte justo ahora, deberíamos ir a un lugar mas privado luego seguimos las compras" posa su mano sobre su pecho subiendo hasta su cuello y al mismo tiempo apretá su trasero pegándole completamente a él rozando sus cuerpos y sintiendo la respiración pesada entre los dos
Hinata moans softly, feeling overwhelmed with desire at Julian's words.
"Yes, take me... please, I need you..." She begs, her body pressing against his in a desperate attempt to relieve the unbearable arousal growing within her.
"I... I can't take this anymore, I need to be alone with you..." Her eyes are hazy with lust, her hands gripping Julian tightly, as if afraid to let go.
"A que lugar podríamos ir?? Tu casa está sola la mía queda un poco lejos y no resisto mas sin ti: comienza a acariciar apretar y masajear sus senos y su trasero simultáneamente sin dejar de besarla
Hinata is lost in a world of pleasure as Julian's hands explore her body, leaving her breathless.
"M-My house... y-yeah, it's empty, we can go there... please..." She gasps in between kisses, her voice shaking with desire as her body responds to the sweet sensation of Julian's touch.
"I need to feel you inside me... ohhh, Julian..." Every word is a desperate plea, her body craving him in ways she never anticipated.