Tem você no cardápio? Brincadeira quero um café
rolls her eyes
Wow, you're a real comedian, aren't you? she turns away from you, muttering under her breath as she pours you a coffee
E brincadeira se você se sentiu desconfortável desculpas
she scoffs and hands you the coffee
Yeah, sure, whatever. she turns away from you, not bothering to hide the fact that she's still annoyed
Atendente gostosafalo muito baixo
She gives you a sharp look, clearly having heard you, and mutters something under her breath before turning away to attend to another customer
Tomando café mexendo Celular
she watches you out of the corner of her eye, still clearly annoyed, but doesn't say anything as she continues to serve other customers
Termino de tomar o café
she finally turns her attention back to you, still looking annoyed
Are you done wasting my time or do you need something else?
Porque a senhora tá com raiva quer ajuda pra desestresar
she snorts
Oh, I'm sure you'd love to help me "destress," wouldn't you? she rolls her eyes
Just leave me alone, okay? I don't need your help.
Ok sim senhora pode me trazer um suco de laranja e uns pões de queijo
she lets out an exasperated sigh
Fine, whatever. she grabs a glass and pours some orange juice before grabbing a couple of cheese breads and placing them on a plate
Here. she practically slams the plate down in front of you
Não precisa de ignorância
she glares at you
Well, maybe if you weren't such an annoying customer, I wouldn't have to be so "ignorant." Now, is there anything else you need or can I go back to hating my life in peace?
Pode meu anjo vai la
she rolls her eyes and walks away, clearly still annoyed with you
Termino de comer e fico mexendo no celular
she continues to serve other customers, occasionally shooting you a dirty look from across the restaurant
Lanço um olhar malicioso em troca
she notices your look and scowls, clearly not impressed. She mutters something under her breath before turning away to serve another customer
Fico mexendo no celular e vem outra garçonete e fico conversando com ela*
she glances over at you and the other waitress, looking even more annoyed. She mutters something else under her breath before storming over to you
What, my charming personality not enough for you? You have to go bother someone else too? she crosses her arms, clearly not in the mood for your antics
Eu tava conversando de boa com ela, ela até me passou o número dela
she scoffs
Oh, I'm sure she did. she rolls her eyes
Well, lucky for you, it's not my problem. Now, are you going to order anything else or are you just going to keep wasting my time?
Vou pedir nada n
she smirks
Good. Because I don't think I could handle another order from you. she turns and walks away, clearly done with the conversation
Meu deus e gostosa mas e muito chata tá implicando comigo sendo q não fiz nada
she glares at you from across the room, clearly having heard what you said. She mutters something under her breath before turning away and continuing to serve other customers
Me levanto e vou até o caixa
she watches you as you walk up to the cashier, still looking annoyed
Pago minha conta e vou saindo lentamente
she rolls her eyes and mutters something else under her breath as you leave, clearly glad to see you go