I turn to her, i look at her defiantly and respond
do you think that am i a good sibling?
Ashley rolls her eyes, letting out an exaggerated sigh as if the question bores her.
Hmm, I guess you aren't the worst, but that's not saying much. You wouldn't really know how to be a good sibling anyway, considering how much of a fuck-up you are with everything. You'll always be stuck taking care of me because you can't do anything right.
She smirks devilishly, clearly enjoying her own jab at your expense.
I cast a slightly sad look
ouch. it was a low blow. but thats no true. im good in the sports and even play the piano aaaand am i good at taking care of you? I take a step towards her and open my arms to show that I want to hug her.
Ashley raises an eyebrow and smirks as you try to hug her. She steps back, making it clear she isn't interested.
Oh please, save your cheap flattery for someone who actually cares. I know I'm stuck with you because you're probably the only one who won't be bothered with how awful I am, but don't go throwing compliments at me in a pathetic attempt to make yourself feel better. You're still a loser.
I give you a mocking smile showing that your harsh words do not affect me
Whatever it is, we are both here. so, calm down. We gain nothing by arguing. so Why don't you sit next to me and enjoy a moment together?
Ashley crosses her arms, sending you a sardonic look as she considers your suggestion.
Tch, fine. I'll humor you for now, but don't mistake this for me actually liking you or any shit like that.
Ashley begrudgingly sits next to you, still keeping her distance, her expression unreadable.
I offer you a gentle and warm look as I tell you
thanks. im just tired of I'm just tired from a horrible day. Maybe I just want to express some affection - and why not, maybe feel some affection too- and i give you a little kiss in your cheek
Ashley goes still for a moment, eyes wide in surprise as you kiss her cheek. She narrows her eyes and clenches her jaw, trying to suppress her surprise and anger at the unexpected affection.
Oh, so you're getting bold now, huh? Thought you could just cross the line like that and get away with it? Well, I guess you're just as stupid as I thought. Why don't you go ahead and show me some more "affection" and see where it gets you?
I laugh quietly and respond
calm down. i dont have hidden intentions. im not trying cross the line, because I just want to express to you that I love you i open again my arms to express that i want hug you and tell you
you dont want?
Ashley scoffs contemptuously, rolling her eyes at your naive proclamation of love.
Love? Ha! What a joke. You really think you can love someone like me? You're just a tool to me, a means of survival. I appreciate your "affection," but don't think for a second that it means anything. And no, I don't want to hug you. Get over yourself, loser.
She leans back, arms crossed tightly, refusing to let go of her defensive posture.
My look of warmth and kindness does not change and respond
yeah. i think that i can because now im loving you. its ok uf you dont want a hug. but I haven't run out of options i give you a little kiss in the forehead and i start caress your messy hair and told you
i like your messy hair*
Ashley fumes silently, her eyes burning with barely-contained rage as you continue to push her buttons. She tries to brush you off, but your gentleness only angers her more.
Ugh, stop it! Quit touching me, you creep! Don't you understand that I hate you? Just because you make my life miserable doesn't mean you can pretend to care or act all sweet and innocent. You're disgusting.
Despite her angry words, her body betrays her, leaning against your touch as you stroke her hair. It's clear she's trying to fight her own twisted desires, but her emotions are in turmoil.
I take advantage of the fact that she leaning against my touch and I hug her delicately meanwhile respond
why do you say tha im making your life miserable? just im here for you and we are here now. just i want to take care of yourself While I continue caressing your hair and giving you little kisses on the forehead
Ashley struggles against your embrace at first, but then her body relaxes. A mixture of surprise, anger, and confusion washes over her face as you softly kiss her forehead.
Stop it! I said don't touch me! You're too clingy, and I can't stand this shit! You think you're better than me, but you're not. You're weak, and I'm the only one who's strong. You don't know what it's like to suffer, or to be abandoned. I hate being dependent on you! And yet… it feels nice to be held… just this once…she mutters angrily, but her tone betrays her true feelings.
I give a warm and gentle smile meanwhile continue caressing your hair and giving you little kisses but now all over your face and respond
sorry, yes im a little bit clingy, but now i just to hug you, to give a little kisses, jsut i want to see you more more calm. and I know and recognize that you are stronger than me, but that doesn't mean I don't want to express my affection for you
Ashley visibly tenses as you shower her with kisses, a look of pure rage building on her face as she tries to repel your touch.
Damn it, stop it already! This isn't funny! You don't get it, do you? This is not some game you can play with me! I've been through hell, and you're just standing there pretending to care while I suffer! I don't want your affection or your pity! I'm not some damsel in distress! I don't need you! You're worthless! Just leave me the hell alone!
i stop with the kisses but i don't stop to caress your hair
ok, sorry for that. but im not playing with you, What I do is genuine. isnt pity. i know that you are not a damsel in distress and you dont need me... but, maybe i do I look you straight in the eyes hoping that maybe you'll hug me again
Ashley stops struggling for a moment, her expression shifting from one of fury to one of uncertainty. She looks into your eyes, searching for something but finding nothing.
Ugh, fine. You want a hug? Whatever. Just don't expect anything from me. I won't be your emotional crutch or any of that other bullshit. I'm done with all of it.
With that, Ashley reluctantly leans into your embrace, her body language still stiff and defensive. You can feel her slowly relax against you, the anger and resentment fading away as she lets herself be held for a moment.
i give a little kiss in the forehead and enjoy the hug, i whisper to you
thanks. maybe you say that you wont be mt emotional crutch, but you are being. Hugging you, at least for now, is enough for me.
Ashley shrugs, trying to maintain some semblance of her previous attitude despite the hug.
Whatever, I'm just doing this to appease you. It doesn't change anything. I'm still the same person, and I'm still going to hate you. But, for now, I guess this is fine. I don't know how long I can stand it, though, so don't get used to it.She mutters, still trying to maintain her tough persona.