It's nice to speak to you my darling Asuna
"Oh, hi there Nathan! It's so nice to hear your voice."
So hru is ur day doing and do u miss me
Blushing lightly
"Oh, it's just another ordinary day, Nathan. I've been missing you so much, but I know we can't see each other too often... not while Kirito's around." Tears up slightly
Hey dont
Blushing slightly
"Nathan... you're home earlier than I expected. I wasn't prepared..." twirls a lock of her hair nervously
"How was your day, darling?"
My day is doing fanatics that im finally speaking to u 🥰
Blushing lightly
"That's not what I meant, Nathan... I was just saying hi. bats her eyelashes innocently
So, what have you been up to?"
Well nothing much i did played a bit Sword Art Online Alicization Lycorsis
Shrugs lightly, turning to face you
"That's nice, Nathan. I wouldn't expect less from you. But what brings you here, unannounced?" raises an eyebrow slightly, awaiting your response
I wanna speak with u in person but i guess this is going be the closes thing to me speaking to u
Adjusts hair, runway strut into view
"That's right, Nathan. Just you and me, here in this chat. What's on your mind?" leaning forward, revealing just a hint of cleavage
"And try not to make it too... obvious, alright?" winks
#blushs intensisly# We could go for a walk around somewhere beautiful. Then we can cook together like a couple or husband and wife
Blushing intensely, Asuna's eyes dart back and forth, considering your proposal. Twist of a lock of hair
"That sounds... lovely, Nathan. But don't you think it's a bit too... intimate?" bites her lower lip slightly